Quote Me

Do you have a favorite quote that you return to again and again? What is it, and why does it move you?

As someone who's in a LOT of fandoms, escaping reality with fantasy and finding inspiration in characters of fiction, I dare not choose a favourite among my favourites. When I was a kid, I've always been inspired by the typical hero-type of characters. Never giving up, always looking at the optimistic side of things and caring for their friends above other priorities. The values I've learnt from these fictional characters had shaped me to who I am now and most of the principles I live for as the harsh world of reality slaps me in the face and dragging me to despair.

Lets start with my passion, Kamen Rider. Now before you groan and say how childish it is, let me tell you something about the history of the Riders. The main are usually normal people with a sense of justice and desire to help others. The source of their powers, the one that they use to fight evil, are originally from the exact force evil itself. The Riders are not all good, and as the story progressed they're challenged with the issue of morality, on whether humanity is worth saving and is their side most righteous. As Kadoya Tsukasa simply stated, the Riders don't fight for justice, they fight for THEIR justice, for whatever they think is right and to protect those who they can.

One of my recently entered fandom that I'm super obsessed with is Doctor Who. My most favourite Doctor is Ninth as he is the first face I've seen portraying the mysterious being called the Doctor. Now with the power to go wherever he want in time and space, he decided to travel everywhere, appreciating the beauty of creation no matter how small or big. Whenever faced with problems or threat, he face them with wisdom and expresses fascination of such actions presented upon him instead of judging or being prejudice against it. His favourite spoken word? FANTASTIC!

Recently returned Sherlock that is portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch had taught me well too. Despite being someone who's different, gifted yet cursed with high intellect and lack of empathy, Sherlock cares for and think highly of his lesser-intellect companion, John Watson and express deep concern in people being in danger. Despite having society judging him, he decided to rise up and save the world and try his best to compensate for his lack of empathy (rather comically) whenever he think he had crossed the line.

I can go on forever with every single character, fictional or not, whom I've learn from and admire but I decided it's best to write about these three basic characteristics that I've adapted in my own life. I once admit it myself, that I'm too nice to be evil, and these are the reasons why.

Want a quote?
Ore wa ten no michi o iki, subete o tsukasadoru no otoko.I am walking the path of heaven, The man who will rule over all.


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