Dear Teacher
An email I wrote to my English teacher. Unedited
Dear Teacher,
First of all, yes, my name is unique enough to have its own email address without any numbers in them XD and it's pretty useful for formal applications.
Teacher apa khabar? Dah bertahun tak nampak ke-awesomeness teacher, last time jumpa pun sekejap je. Your existence is not something I can simply forget you know so yeah tergerak hati nak cari teacher. Mohon ampun tuanku sebab guna bahasa rojak, rasa formal sangat pulak tulis email pakai satu bahasa je haha.
So for the past couple of years of my life, lots of things had happened and I've changed a lot (or maybe that's just puberty) in term of maturity and understanding of the world. But worry not dear teacher, I'm still that unique, weird Farid Taqiuddin who lives in the fantasy world with his books and other fascinations. Let me start from when I moved to MRSM Pengkalan Chepa.
Dear Teacher, do you still remember how I exiled myself from the mortals because I'm.........different? Well in PC, apparently BITARA is not just a fancy name! All the students admitted in that MRSM are considered as "gifted" in one way or another. I've seen student who can draw so well it looks like the drawing will pop out of the paper, a student that sleep in Add Math class and yet scored A+ in every single examination for Add Math. People whose mind are so imaginative it's a wonder why they're still considered as humans. Needless to say, my "unique" personality fits quite well there, I'm no longer the kid who exiled myself from others. I still do most stuffs myself, and earned the name "The Lone Ranger" but I learn to mingle with these people, and they accept me as who I am, never in any school I've ever loved the humans inside it like I love MRSM PC students. I still remember the good people from KOPU of course, I try keeping in touch with them from time to time. And of course, eventhough I'm considered as my English teacher's best student and enjoyed myself horrifying her with my essays full of psychopathic stuffs, I still remember that tiny, cute teacher with a very bright smile that showed me the wonders of the world.
I think I've told you this before but last year, 2012, I've joined a program by The Star's newspaper named Starstruck! where I became a writer for a pullout that is published every Monday (I think the word had spread in KOPU ever since pictures of me are on print in The Star a lot eheh). I met lots of aspiring journalists in that program and befriended them well. As the program came to an end, The Star had chosen me and 11 more writers from the program to intern at their place for a whole month as the best Starstruckers of 2012! So after SPM, I left Besut to stay alone in Kepong, taking the KTM and RapidKL daily to get to work at Menara Star, Petaling Jaya in December, 2012. (ironic kan, budak yang grammar berterabur ni tetiba jadi best writer, pastu kerja ngan The Star pulak tu). The experience was awesome, I learn a lot from it and it's safe to say that my level of understanding in English Language is higher than before (too bad I can't say the same for my grammar though). I can even speak fluent English now (I think not that good pun, but acceptable).
So.........back to PC, in case you haven't notice, I'm actually a workaholic. I like keeping myself busy with stuffs and I took it as a responsibility to find works to do. I joined Starstruck, became the school's debater (3rd speaker, crowned as the best speaker for a few competitions), elected as the president of ELS (you saw me XD) and other stuffs. Unfortunately, I'm not as much dedicated toward my studies as I was to my work (a non-studyholic workaholic, yes you have my permission to laugh at how ridiculous it sounds). I was never known to be the one who does his homework and I rarely do my revisions. God-willing, I've been slapped on the face by my SPM result that reads 6A4B. I got B for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and a B+ for Add Math (my fault, I slept in most of the classes). My parents didn't take it kindly that despite being the tradition-breaker with 8As for PMR while my older siblings only managed to obtain 7As. I was still offered a place in UiTM for Civil Engineering (kampus Johor) and Matrikulasi Melaka for science but after a long debate of my priorities and future (which also involves the fact that I didn't get MARA scholarship), I decided to reject both offers.
Instead, I applied and got accepted to the Co-Operative College of Malaysia (saje je guna term BI dia, sebab Maktab Koperasi Malaysia doesn't sound just as grand) to continue my study in Diploma in Co-operative Management. Yes, me, the forever tak terurus boy, studying to be a manager. The reasons are as follow
1 - I don't wanna take PTPTN
2 - The competition in UiTM is a lot higher than being here where the requirement is only PNG 2.5
3 - They have their own loan program here where if I get pointer 3.5, it'll be half-a-scholarship and it'll be a full scholarship if I get pointer 3.8 and above.
4 - It's in Petaling Jaya and I'm more accustomed here due to internship experience than in Johor plus I have friends around here (the fellow Starstruckers)
5 - I don't have a number five reason actually, just writing this because my OCD refuse to let me write only four reasons.
So yeah, here I am in MKM for about a month now, using Yuon (my laptop's name btw) while waiting for breakfast time. I hope this is actually readable (my writing skill is rusty from the half-a-year vacation I had without any actual work at home) and you'll reply soon with your part of the story.
Farid Taqiuddin aka Kai (my current alias, short for Kaito actually)
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