Taqi's Guide To : Happiness

Feb 23

An Innocent Smile, Humanity's Treasure

Assalamualaikum~ (May Peace Be Upon You)

For awhile now I'd been blogging about random topics but I figured if I want to have something fresh to talk about, might as well make it beneficial to others so this special column is produced. Ladies and Gentlemen (and whatever creatures reading this), may I present to you, Taqi's Guide~

Taqi's Guide is where I'll share to you what I had learnt throughout my humble short life living in this world that I found precious. This will be the third official title column after "Life" and "Pain" labels that featured me lamenting about life and "Stories" label where I post my fictions.

Enough of that, lets all talk about happiness. Before I started writing this article, I listened and sing along to a song from BtoB titled I Only Know Love to kick start my good mood.

Don't judge me, they're good

Happiness has always been an enjoyment all living beings desire yet had taken for granted. In the pursuit of materialism, humans had abandoned happiness and in the end, collapse of heart attack due to stress~ (that, or Kira had been pretty busy lately). But for all of those, let us rethink, why do we pursuit money in the first place?

Wise word says : Money can't buy us happiness. Wrong, DEAD wrong. The reason we require money in the first place is to get what we want and escape the hardness of life. In short, we desire ENJOYMENT of life and narrow-minded beings think money can be the bridge to that. Unfortunately during the long path to that goal, they abandoned the joy they already have and are so into their efforts that they forgot why they want it in the first place. Don't be a Scrooge, it's not money you truly want, be a Bill Gates and use what you have to enjoy.

So I know that not everyone can achieve that and I can feel some are burdened by the long path to arrive in that destination. Well actually,  the same principle can be used to normal people too. But instead of money, enjoy even the simplest thing and enjoy what you're doing.

A successful guy is not the guy who gets what he wants. It's the guy who enjoy what he has. For example, we can see lots of people stressing over their job and wishing to go back home and relax eventhough it's the dream job they had wanted all along. This is because they lost the enjoyment of doing what they want.

In my theory, it's the same as this situation : a boy's favourite food is pudding and his beloved mother decided to flood him with puddings for his birthday. So the boy eats and eats and eats with contempt and what happens, you ask? After merely 1/10 of the year-supple of puddings (okay, maybe I over exaggerate here but yeah~) eaten, he puked! The poor boy can eat no more and vowed to never even get close to puddings ever again. But, the clever mother knows better, after leaving out pudding in the menu for the boy for about a month, she surprised him with a cup of pudding for dinner and amazingly the boy ate it  with such gluttony that the pudding disappeared almost immediately! Flushed into his stomach and the boy gave a satisfying smile.

"Mom, I love pudding."

Inside joke, only Rider fans understand this XD
The simple explanation is there is such thing as too much good thing. Normal dose of things you like might turn it from "wow" to "meh". You'll forget the reason why you enjoy it in the first place and it seems bland now and might even be stressful if viewed the wrong way (the boy, for example, is burdened to finish all the puddings so his mother won't burn him alive for wasting). Always keep hold of why you enjoy such things. Why you enjoy walking? Why you enjoy breathing? With such mind thinking, you may continue enjoying such things and accept the burden brought by it as something you have to pay to enjoy such a bliss.

So, I apologise for the long lecture, I still have to improve my blogging skill and simplify what I desire to write so people will enjoy it more instead of getting bored and even burdened by the "overdose" of letters.

Taqi's Guide to : Happiness

1) Appreciate the little things

2) Enjoy what you're doing, perhaps turn up the volume and listen to songs while doing it.

3) Take a break here and there, there is such thing as too much of something.

4) Learn to find a great way to release stress. I, for example, do so by writing, working and singing out loud while listening to light songs. Be careful of your selection of songs though, emo songs like Welcome to My Life might worsen the situation :TrueStory:

5) Smile ^_^


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