Human's Emotional Attachment to Each Other

Feb 06

Le Awesome Starstruckers (well, some of them :P not all)
17 years of existing in this world, variates of humans to enter and exit my life. Some are bitter, some brought life to my darkness and some were hard to let go, even up till now. But for most people that I had encountered, I learnt to not have any attachments to most because I know that one day, they will leave my life. I was 10 years old when I heard of such phrase.

Dan perpisahan
Adalah lumrah

After a hard phrase of my pre-teen life, I denied many existences from my life and cut many connections with people I should've appreciated. Yet why are these people I never meet in real life meant so much too me? Why had they opened up my heart so much and made me feel so comfortable being one of them?

As I had mentioned in my previous posts, I became part of a journalism program for teenagers called Starstruck for The Star's Monday pull-out, Stuff@School. After a whole year of epic awesomeness, I was chosen with 11 other Starstruckers to received the ultimate reward for our efforts ; a month-long internship at Menara Star itself!

Many things had I learnt from the month of experience and life trials. A kampung boy from Kelantan arrived in Kuala Lumpur and had to survive alone to work for The Star Publications and on 4th January 2013, I had ended the journey with memories that brought a smile on my face whenever recalled.

From Natashya Khoo's first word to me (Oh my God, you're Farid!), to Chiang Pang Fei and Tham Wee Nie's arrival to save me from being left alone in the office, to realizing that I don't actually recognize Jo-yen Wong's face and Wong Yen Ni's hyperness. It is fun to know how a complete stranger can become so close to eat Ghee Tosai (with sugar) together as distant cousins *ahem* Potato *ahem* and how active I can be when meeting with such awesome people that I even surprised myself! (Achievement unlocked = surprising yourself)

Here I make a tribute to the interns for making my end of the year a great memory. And I'm sorry for being :P


Cousin Potato = We still need to eat more ghee tosai with sugar
Wee Nie and Pang Pang = Thanks for allowing me to disturb you guys during work because I had no work ;D
Le Shea = Though being your cameraman wasn't fun, you amazed me.
Celine = You ah, not exactly as you appears to be.
Yen Ni = Yes, you are hyper (and you're awesome because of it)
Felix = Y U SO LUCKY? And sorry for all I've done to you
Jo-yen = I seriously think Sket Dance anime should continues *serious face*
Neda and Shareka = We aren't really close but you two are more mature than me! You guys sure you're younger than me???
Edmund = Bro, nice meeting you. keep in contact

And my awesome twin sister, nothing else to say that you don't know about. Arigatou~
Kelly Low Jia Li.
Known to me as Kyouyama Anna.


Stephanie Aeria said...

why got nothing about meeeeeeeeeeeee? :'(

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