A song

I seriously felt attached to this song, it completely describe me before my "re-birth"

Thanks Simple Plan, for arranging a song for me to say to everyone,
Welcome To My Life

I should have post this earlier, before my re-birth,
And for always, I put this song in a special place inside my heart


Inspector Saahab said...

u should learn on how to put the vid just in the entry. get the embedded code and paste it here. a bit lazy to go to youtiub. HAHA

Taqiuddin said...

done, didn't know how to do that actually so thanks

Mshen said...

I loved that song! It make me feel better knowing that someone is actually having much more problems than me.

Taqiuddin said...

is that a compliment or ...... -__-"

Parmita said...

I enjoy Simple Plan's songs too. This is amongst my favorite songs along with 'What If', 'I can wait forever' and 'When I'm gone'.

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