My Family

Note to Maam = Yes, I did slap myself. Didn't seems to work much but hey, I'm writing now right?

Living with 6 siblings isn’t easy. Cheerful, yes but far from easy. I guess some of the reason why I made this statement is because of our genes. My dad’s a pure Kelantanese workaholic Malay somehow met, fall in love and eventually married my mum ; a half Siamese half Chinese from Penang with a calm but sharp kind of woman. Needless to say, the powerful combination of an architecture lecturer and a dedicated Chemistry teacher produced some pretty weird offspring.

            Let’s start with our names, all my siblings have 3 names, Muhammad for the boys and Nur for the girls is mandatory, the second name should start with “Fa” and a rare selection of sophisticated name for the third name. Here’s the list

1) Nur Farah Nadiah

2) Muhammad Faiz Tajuddin

3) Muhammad Fariz Najmudin

4) Muhammad Farid Taqiuddin

5) Muhammad Faidhi Nazmi

6) Nur Farah Hanani

            My first sister, better known as Kak Rah in the house is a teacher, have a habit of playing with her long hair and watch the re-runs of Korean dramas. Another one of her hobby is hibernating in the morning and staying awake at night. Pretty much can be called the most “normal” one in the family.

            The second one is my eldest brother. A bossy, I’m-always-right kind of big brother that overshadow me in every aspect. He’s the pride and joy of my mum as he brought the most trophies in the house and the most independent one. Currently continuing his study in Chemical Engineering in USM Pulau Pinang, he have a weird obsession to whiten his dark tanned face and making sure his stomach is perfectly normal. No progress so far though, not that I’m complaining. But I do get annoyed sometimes like when the time our whole bedroom was over flown by the smell of herbs that he claimed can burn his fat.

            My second big brother is a masculine, I-like-to-work-out-everyday kind of guy who’s main goal is to keep fit by doing push ups at night. He’s also a K-Pop fan specialized in MBLAQ songs. Strange enough, he decided to follow my dad’s advice to continue his study in medic school. Hmm…. A masculine doctor, well, I better prepare myself for lots of sister in laws then. He can be seen hanging out with his friends in the town most of the time.

            My younger brother is what I call the most annoying human that I ever met. He has an obsession to computer, considered as a master in online games but a failure in the term of academic. The one with lots of weird ideas, he can be seen online most of the time much to my mum’s dismay. Also a K-Pop fan, his unique personality and beaming smile can convince almost all adult to forgive him in everything he did – thankfully, my mum have the special ability to fight his spell.

            Last but the most active member, my little sister isn’t anywhere near normal level. Diagnosed as a hyperactive patient, she can barely talk but apparently can understand Malay, English and Japanese well. Normal hyperactive children runs along playing around like they’re still 6 year old, but my sister spent her past time experimenting on various things and inventing worthless inventions. The best student in the special-student classroom, she impressed everyone with her way of thinking and her creativity. Unfortunately, she have an obsession with unhealthy foods – but it doesn’t seems to effect her in any way – and never bother to clean up after an experiment. Guess who’s the victim to clean up her mess? ME

Top from left : Faidhi, Faiz, Fariz, Farid
Sitting: Kak Rah, Dad, Mum, Nani
(Yep, pretty normal huh?)

            I gotta  admit that this is possibly the lamest article I’ve ever wrote but I promise there’s more to come and I’m going to finish the Ivan Reece’s story as soon as possible. In the mean time, feels free to comment and constantly reminds me to kill my procrastination spirit that seems to haunt me most of the time.

P.S. If I didn’t publish another article 24 hours after I published this article, that’s either mean I’m dead or being haunted by the revengeful procrastination spirit.

Please, Sorry and Thank You~


Inspector Saahab said...

great one. maybe it's one of the lamest entry but I enjoy and always want to know people more.

keep writing ! keep writing !

and LOL at the P.S -..-

and by the way : please deselect words verification for your comment posting. do setting ur comment :)

Taqiuddin said...

owh, ok

Ciklong said...

i really miss your sister, Farah Hanani. She's the sweetest ever!

which one of your brother who said: hok hesem skali! during my first visit to your house??

Taqiuddin said...

that's was masculine doctor Fariz Najmudin hahaha

Ciklong said...

kirim salam kat dia. hehe. he's handsome!

Taqiuddin said...

hahahaha ok tcher

Ciklong said...

have u read my latest chapter, chapter 13??

Taqiuddin said...

already? didn't notice that.... pecuuutt.....

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