As Time Goes By.....(Final Part)

*ahem* sorry for the long pause, I blame the busyness in PC for this

Continuing on…..

And so I’d applied with a crappy 500-word essay about myself. Not expecting much, I returned back to my normal life minus the presence of that special, particular pullout.

            School holiday, I got the result, I WAS LONGLISTED. That’s not all, I was the only Kelantanese who actually applied and one of the few Malay boys in the group. They made a virtual clubhouse for all the longlisted on Facebook and there I’d known so many talented, awesome writers nationwide.

            Skipping on, since I have much time with me, I started participating more actively, commenting on School Sounds (now called Sync In Tune), got interviewed by last year’s Starstruck-ers (now interns at The Star) and pretty much bothers every single life in the group. My catchphrase in the chatbox? “Yep”, “*awkward silence*” and the infamous emoticon -__-“.

            As time goes by, I’m nicknamed Vampire and starts getting annoyed by Nyan Cats, my spare soul got stolen by 9gag, being on the paper more often that I thought possible and other awesome stuffs. Always stay open-minded, I listen to rants, comments on quirky posts and have insanely wonderful conversation with less-than-normal humans *ahem*.

And there came the 2nd stage……

            It’s simple enough, find at least 30 subscribers and write description about Stuff@School’s awesomeness. The problem is, my school already subscribes to the daily Star every year…..

            Meeting the teachers seemingly everyday isn’t part of my “new year resolution lists” but that what I need to do to achieve her trust on giving me the responsibility of being in charge of the papers. Calling the rep isn’t actually an easy task. One day, I texted him asking for enquires and he replied that I need to talk to him. And so I called and what’s the reply? “Sorry, I’m in a meeting, I’ll call you later” in a thick, Indian accent. My reaction was memorable, “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?????????” (of course I said that after I hanged up).

            And after 20 days of eternal hell, I. Made. It. Seeing myself being published on the paper, getting new friends, starting to say Nyan randomly *ahem*, NOT SPARKLING, that’s what I’ve achieved. Netherless, being chosen as a teen writer is a wonderful experience too but the most important value that I had learned is The People itself.

So thanks to every one of you,
Ben = you rocks, too bad that you’re too busy nowadays.

Maam = I’m really sorry for bothering you non-stop for the past month -__-“

Shu Ern & Arreya = Sorry for overdosing those chill pills

Adrian = Every time an opportunity closed, another 10 will appears – if you try hard enough

Alya Hazira = Sis! Sorry!

Kaveeta = Lay of the shark thingy!

Ivan = Dark pasts doesn’t mean that the future is dark. It depends on yourself

Sis Syaza = Pessimism doesn’t lead to anything, just do it and hope for the best ;)

Grass Worm = Open your eyes to what you’re doing, and people will close their eyes on your wrong doing.

Shixin = Negative thoughts lead to stress, when in doubt, 9GAG!


Shen & Ru Yin = Dudes! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?

Yuki-san = Kawai~ (don’t ask why I put it this way, I just did)

Patrick = Sorry for continuously interrupting your life with the chatbox :P

Clarissa = You’re one of the only one who can impress me with your English achievement. Must. Not. Lose.

Natashya and Celine = The ones who constantly cheer up the page with their normal ranting J

Apollonia = Where Are You?

Jesline and Vivien = Ahah, thanks for being my personal counselors girls ;)

Aifa & Adibah = Two Malay girls, two awesome Starstruckers

Viwern = Y U SILENT?

Amelia Wong = Stalker Chick! Stop freaking the life outta me! :P

Sayyid & Azirfan = The rare species of Malay boys who made it, congrats guys

Ashvin = Lay of the paranoia. Enjoy life and don’t overdo anything

2011 Starstruckers = Sorry guys for the weird questions and constant annoyance of us. I hope that I didn’t offended anyone, if I did, I’m sorry TT_TT

No, I can’t write all those awesome people in one post, netherless, you’re all awesome. Drop by a comment if you’re name isn’t here and you want it to be here (Maxlone, Inspector Saahab, Starstruckers only kay?)



Syaza said...

Awwws, thanks for the post Farid,(: You're an awesome writer, and I'm sure you'll do well. Just hoping that we could meet up one day, xD Ohhhh, and when your Bro Afif goes back to PC for his results, I might just give him something to pass to you, (: p

Natashya said...

LOL SPAM IS MORE LIKE IT. Ahah thank you Farid, may you spawn tens upon thousands of posts like these as all of us keep going on this starstruck journey ;)

Nur Najihah Binti Saiful Anuar said...

ahah. i think its does bring a disguise but cheerfulness :)

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